Where does inspiration come from?

Here it goes, my first personal blog. This is where you get to read about things that really matter, some things that are just plain silly, and other things that might not matter at all to you. That's the beautiful thing about blogs is they can really be about anything!
My wife April has recently started a blog: http://praisesofawifeandmommy.blogspot.com she is so good at writing things in a way all people can read and understand. She started this blog when she saw me keeping an online journal of some goals I had, little did we know that she would quickly begin gaining followers and a sense of value coming from blogging. I have never really had a "personal" blog where I talk about life and its joys, challenges, victories and losses. There is something inspiring about seeing my wife do so well to open her life up to the whole world. So here I am, ready to do the same.
Where does inspiration come from? In this case, my wife. Men, if your wife enjoys doing something... look into giving it a try. My wife and I are different in a lot of ways. Our personalities, gifts and hobbies are mostly all different. However there are very few things she does, which I don't try, and the same is true on the flip side. I am still yet to see my wife look under the hood of a car or use a power tool, but I wouldn't put it past her given the rest of our lives together.
Inspiration comes from all over. The pastor in me wants to define "inspire" for you: to affect, guide, to stimulate to action, motivate. What affects me, what guides me, what provokes me, what motivates me? Inspiration can be both good and bad. We can be motivated to sin, and we can be motivated to faith. Take a look at David in the Bible; 2 Samuel 11 we see Davids choice not to uphold his kingly duty to go to war... AKA LAZINESS led him to covet Bathsheba, have her husband sent to the front lines of battle so he could die and David took her as his own. This is known as David's failure. His motivations were bad: laziness, lust, greed. However David went down in History as a great king of Israel and received the promise that Jesus would be his descendant. I prefer to look at Davids motivation/inspiration when he sets his eyes on God. 2 Samuel 22:3 "My God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation. He is my stronghold, my refuge and my savior— from violent people you save me."
All of this being said, we have to ask ourselves; "Where does my inspiration come from?" We need to determine the health of our inspiration and decide what we will allow inspiration flow from. As for myself, I identify myself as a Man of God, "a Kings kid", a husband to a beautiful Woman of God, and my most honorable title above that of "pastor"... DADDY! The inspiration from Jesus and His Holy Spirit and my family continued to overwhelm and make obsolete the many other external components of life. Thank you Jesus for that.


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